Water is a transparent fluid which forms all of the world’s streams, lakes, oceans, and rain, and is also the major constituent of the fluids of all organisms. Water also makes up about two-thirds of who we are, which some scientists say it influences 100 percent of the processes in our body. Think of water as a nutrient your body needs that is present in liquids, plain water, and foods. All of these are essential every day to replace the large amounts of water lost. Here are some health benefits of water.

Water Can Help Control Calories

Dieters have been drinking lots of water as a weight loss strategy. For many years now. While water doesn’t have any magical effect on weight loss, substituting it for higher calorie beverages is where you certainly find help. Water works well in weight loss programs only if you choose water or a non-caloric beverage over a caloric one. Many also believe that a couple of glasses of the right water before eating can also aid in weight loss.

Joints and Cartilage
Water keeps the cartilage around our joints hydrated ensuring that our joints stay nice and lubricated. It also protects our spinal cord and tissues, therefore keeping us healthy from the inside out. To keep Cartilage this protective material healthy, we need to keep hydrated by replenishing our bodies with the best water.

Skin Moisturized by Water
Your skin is the largest organ of our bodies and contains plenty of water and it functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. But over hydration doesn’t erase already sustained wrinkles from your body. However, dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled which can be improved with proper hydration but once you are adequately hydrated, the kidney takes over and excrete excess fluids, so you can’t expect the excess water in your bowels to erase your wrinkles. To help lock moisture into your skin as a possible solution to wrinkles, you can use moisturizer, which creates a physical barrier to keep moisture in the body.

Water Helps to Maintain Balance of Fluids
The human body is composed of Water. This composition can be found in digestion, absorption, circulation of nutrients, a formation of saliva, excretion, maintenance of body temperature and so on.

Water Helps Energize Muscles
Lack or insufficient good water can lead to fatigue. When muscle cells don’t have adequate fluids it affects your vibrancy. Same applies to exercising without taking adequate water. It causes your cells and electrolytes to collapse. Exercising without the proper hydration can have a negative effect on your body.

Water Helps To Maintain Normal Bowel Function
Adequate hydration keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. When you don’t get enough fluid, colons pull water from stools to maintain hydration and the result is constipation.

Your Kidney Works Well With Water
The primary function of the kidney is to excrete waste. With enough fluid in your system, your kidney cleanses toxins and other harmful substances away from your system more easily. The major toxins in the body include; water-soluble waste, blood urea nitrogen. Lack of adequate water intake can cause kidney stones to form. Symptoms of Dehydration include extreme thirst, dry mouth, headache, dizziness or light-head, high body temperatures, fatigue, little and darker urine colour.

Here are some tips to help you drink more water
· Have a beverage or water with every snack and meal.
· Drink water first thing in the morning after waking up, throughout the day and before going to bed.
· Take water every other hour or per minutes depending on your capacity or busyness.
· Eat more fruits and vegetables. Their high water content will add to your hydration.
· Choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you’re watching calories, go for non-caloric beverages or water.