Water filter technology provides some comfort, but with all the news about chemical additives in water supplies, there is growing concern about its safety and the longer term effects. Just how safe are city water supplies for children? Is there newer more effective technology that might prove to be far more effective and cost efficient? More on that later.

Generally speaking, Australian tap water is still of high quality and the best beverage available to quench thirst in children and adults alike. It’s cheap, calorie- and sugar-free, and provides the hydration your body needs. But you’re right — it is important to be certain it’s safe and to know how effective your water filter really is.

If you’re concerned, the first place to start is with your local council to request a report on what is added to the water in your area. Then if you have a water filter, you should look to see how effective it is for what is in your water. Water filter systems often email the report to customers with the purchase if requested, and larger companies also put it online. You can contact your manufacturer to request the most recent version. The local council report should provide basic information about your drinking water, including any contaminants that have been found during testing. This includes results of monitoring conducted in homes that could be vulnerable to increased levels of additives or older homes with lead pipes, for example. Check to see what your water system’s report says. That might put your mind at ease.

Whether or not you are reassured, you may want to pay a private lab to test the water in your home. Before and after any water filter. This is the only way to be certain, because chemical additives in water are fairly odorless and colorless. Request tests for chlorine, fluoride, lead, copper, pH, and a corrosion index test, and be sure to follow the lab’s guidelines for collecting samples.

It’s important to note that while a water filter will generally improve water’s taste, they aren’t all the same and many cannot backup claims of what they remove. A water filter installed at the tap or under-sink— as well as whole-house water filter systems — will assist at removing various things. It’s always important to double-check. 

You should know that children are much more vulnerable to the effects of chemicals be it additives in food or water. For example, while the bodies of adults absorb just 10 to 15 percent of the lead they ingest, children’s bodies may absorb up to 50 percent. Absorption is greatest on an empty stomach. A healthy diet can help. Consuming plenty of clean water can help flush any chemical additives out of the body.

For the latest technology in this area, you can now look to the HWTA Water Energisers to replace the water filter you may have under your sink and the HWTA Home Edge will do the entire home!  So if you are tired of having to replace cartridges for your water filter then you will the Home Edge as you will never need to replace anything or maintain anything. Unlike the traditional water filter, with this new technology you can set it and forget about it and independent lab testing shows that it removes 99.2% Chlorine and 29.7% Fluoride.

Compared to a traditional water filter, this makes the water better and hassle free!