

Daily Water News | Friday 15 July 2016

City's major tap water source reservoir closed as oil pollutants caused by upstream ship collision nears Water buy-up to save western Victorian rivers Keeping up with growing water demand There could be a super-simple way to lose weight that doesn't involve diet or exercise Drinking water may help you lose weight Illegal hunting surge sparks [...]

By | July 15th, 2016|Uncategorised, Water|Comments Off on Daily Water News | Friday 15 July 2016

Chlorine, Cancer and Heart Disease

  Adding chlorine to drinking water is a practice that began in the late 1800s, and by 1904 this was the standard in water treatment. For the most part, this process is still implemented today. Unfortunately, chlorine isn’t used because it’s the safest or most effective means of disinfection — it’s just the cheapest. In [...]

By | January 21st, 2016|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Chlorine, Cancer and Heart Disease

Cooking with chloraminated water and salt could create toxic molecules

Cooking with chloraminated water could put potentially harmful toxins in your food, according to a new study published in Water Research. The study reveals several molecules that are almost completely new to researchers, created by cooking with chloraminated tap water and iodized table salt. The authors of the study, from the Hong Kong University of [...]

By | December 7th, 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Cooking with chloraminated water and salt could create toxic molecules

10 Alkaline Foods to Eat Every Day

10 Alkaline Foods to Include in your Daily Diet Acid – you probably know the stuff from home cleaning. You wouldn’t expect to be eating it: but the modern diet is alarmingly high in acidity. Acid is a naturally occurring substance, but is corrosive in nature, and high levels of acidity in the body can [...]

By | November 2nd, 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on 10 Alkaline Foods to Eat Every Day

“You’re not sick you’re just thirsty”

'Water distribution' is the only way of making sure that not only an adequate amount of water but its transported elements - hormones, chemical messengers and nutrients first reach the more vital organs. In turn, every organ that produces a substance to be made available to the rest of the body will only monitor its own rate and standards of production and release into the flowing water according to constantly changing quotas that are set by the brain. Once the water itself reaches the 'drier' areas, it also exercises its many other most vital and missing physical and chemical regulatory actions.

By | September 19th, 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on “You’re not sick you’re just thirsty”

Sugar is Bad For You – Drink Water

Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet. It can have harmful effects on metabolism and contribute to all sorts of diseases.

By | September 8th, 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Sugar is Bad For You – Drink Water

Everyone was a winner at AGQUIP

This years AGQUIP sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank in Gunnedah was an epic event. Healthy Waters Technology Australia fielded a full complement of crew for the three day event. When we say epic we mean epic. Over a 100,000 patrons sauntered through the endless isles of goodies dished up by hundreds of commercial operators. What we learned confirmed what we already knew about the importance of our products to all living things.

By | August 28th, 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Everyone was a winner at AGQUIP

And the winner is !!

The winner of the wonderful holiday at the Sheraton Mirage on the Gold Coast valued at $3,000 is Leigh Ann Healy (on the left) of Medowie in NSW. Thank you goes out to the our independent draw master Robert (Dexter) Lennon (yes he is actually related to the famous John Lennon of Beatles fame) for helping us draw the competition. There were over a thousand entrants in the competition so Leigh can thank her lucky stars that our representative Les Prosser talked her into entering the competition.

By | August 28th, 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on And the winner is !!

Nestlé Pays Only $524 to Extract 27 MILLION Gallons of California Drinking Water

Los Angeles, CA — Nestlé has found itself more and more frequently in the glare of the California drought-shame spotlight than it would arguably care to be — though not frequently enough, apparently, for the megacorporation to have spontaneously sprouted a conscience. Drought-shaming worked sufficiently enough for Starbucks to stop bottling water in the now-arid state entirely, uprooting its operations all the way to Pennsylvania. But Nestlé simply shrugged off public outrage and then upped the ante by increasing its draw from natural springs — most notoriously in the San Bernardino National Forest — with an absurdly expired permit.

By | August 25th, 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Nestlé Pays Only $524 to Extract 27 MILLION Gallons of California Drinking Water

‘Water, not sugar based drinks’

It can be difficult for parents to say no to their children demands for lolly water when they are busy and simply trying to get through a busy day. What they don't understand is that they are simply creating a future problem for themselves and their kids.

By | August 14th, 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on ‘Water, not sugar based drinks’
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