Once you enter the exclusive club we like to call, ‘parenthood’, all of your old priorities go out the window, any mum or dad can attest. Suddenly you’re not so concerned with the latest season of The Bachelor (if you’re into that kind of thing) and every waking moment your day is about your little family.  Are the kids healthy? Did they eat enough fruit and veggies today? Are they happy? Am I doing enough?

It’s a constant stress that will never go away, but there are some basic changes you can bring to your household will certainly make a difference.  So where do you start?

As you probably know, it’s always good to have a routine. Your kids look forward to things like their bedtime story, family dinner, or maybe even family game night, so begin by sprinkling some family fitness into the routine. It doesn’t have to be a daily jog or workout session, but perhaps a couple times a week you take the family for a walk on the beach before work. It’s about creating healthy habits that will hopefully last a lifetime.

Today’s children are so focussed on screens and technology that they’re often missing out on some of the most essential parts of life, like exercise.  Take a walk together or play cricket together, whatever you decide to do, just do it.  The great thing about this is that not only will your kids benefit but so will you and your partner.

Speaking of screens and technology, it’s also a good idea to enforce a limit on screen time. Maybe instead of watching television for an hour after homework you can try something like, ‘creative time’ where you craft, write stories, act out one of their favourite books together or play music together. You may be surprised by how creative your children can be when they get out from behind the tv or computer and you’ll definitely have a lot of a fun while you’re at it.

In addition to stretching their muscles (creative and actual), it’s important to hydrate those muscles. The best way to hydrate them isn’t necessarily what you’d think. We’re not talking about plain old H2O or even electrolyte rich sports drinks, you need to be drinking and using energised water, today. If you’re wondering why, the answer is simple; healthy water, improves health. And yes, energised water is healthy water. It not only improves energy levels and sleep, it also helps to improve digestion, circulation and many other health related concerns. With the HWTA system you’ll be able to serve your children clean drinking water AND allow them access to it throughout their house, so that means showers, the water you clean with and the water you give to your tomato plants. Everything is healthy and energised so your children are getting nothing but the best.

To get started with the HWTA system today, check out our products here.Healthy Kids Energised Water